When I thought I couldn't get choked up again. Yay Sara! I'm so glad that you were there.
Rush is an idiot. I couldn't have a lower opinion of Bush and his policies, but I would have preferred to see him have some success. I would have happily applauded a thriving economy and peace on earth at the hands of a conservative Republican. But that isn't what happened. It isn't being polite to wish success to the next guy; it might even be in everyone's best interest. Does anyone take Rush seriously?
I have to relisten to the speech. So much of being there meant I wasn't just listening to the speech and analysing it, but rather responding with the crowd and watching it respond.
Oh, on the booing: the folks we were standing with were mostly older and started laughing when I said loudly "Now that is just RUDE. I can't stand the man, but I respect the office." They weren't impressed with it either. One said "We came to this day to be better than that." And I have to agree. Now if I were at home (and mentally, I did...) but not aloud for a ceremony such as this....
I'll rewatch the whole thing with DH because he was stuck at a job site where they Were Not Watching! I went home to watch on a big screen and got 2 phone calls during the speech. Later at the bank the teller was complaining that they couldn't really see the televisions or hear very well from their positions (you can see in line). She thought they should have closed for at least the swearing in portion.
An article about DW's great grandmother.
She thought they should have closed for at least the swearing in portion.
I wonder how many people said that four years ago.
I'm catching up on the Australian Open, and one of the commentators just said she cried looking at footage of Washington. That's a lot of emotion and politics for sports.
connie, that dress registry site is a hilarious idea. I wonder how many catfights it's prevented...
Booing really carries. It doesn't take much for it to be audible -- hence its effecacy.
But I'll bet even the Obamas and Bidens were humming
nah nah nah nah/ nah nah nah nah/ hey hey hey/ go-ood-bye!
under their breaths as the chopper took off.
Gudanov, that's quite amazing. 113!!! My grandmother was 102 when she died, but she wasn't very with it for the last year or so.
The crowd tried repeatedly to chant OBAMA except...that's too many syllables for the accoustics of the length of THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED MALL. Sound travels more slowly than light. It sadly wasn't going to work.