He will remain at the Washington Hospital Center overnight for observation, and will be released in the morning.”
"Otherwise the stubborn bastard would be headed out to the inaugeral balls, and I'm not authorized to tell the Secret Service to tackle his ass and make sure he rests."
Blue Springs band playing Goin' to Kansas City!
Back from the first round of inauguration events. Now have to get ready for a teen inaugural ball (ugh).
I have so many thoughts on it and am so happy to have gone.
One quick thought, Jill Biden looked GREAT, better than Michelle Obama did. The offset buttons on the red coat and those boots were amazing.
Oh Kat, I can only imagine what it was like actually being there.
I haven't really seen Jill Biden.
Okay, I think I have reached my marching band quota.
Much cat "Wait, I'm cuter than
" competition hilarity just ensued in my house.
How awesome for you, Kat! I'm glad you got to go.
Why would you arrange "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" for marching band?