I liked the speech, although I missed parts of it.
Warren's invocation was....boring preacher. The kind of preacher you have to sit through in church (you being very general here) and wish he'd be briefer.
Although he could have mentioned Jesus and God a lot more. I don't know about Warren's particular style, but there is a style of praying where the one praying (a deacon or preacher) pretty much ends each sentence with Jesus or God.
I liked the second guy, he seemed way more sinceere and also more eloquent.
I'm not sure what channel Mom had the tv on (I went over there for part of it) but the anchors were listing out various parts of either Obama's speech or the Benediction guy's prayer that were references to civil rights. Which, given his history makes sense.
Also the justice botched the oath (at least that's what was reported when I was listening) and Obama paused because the Justice said the wrong thing.
Although I'm not surprised to hear that someone wants to sue over that.
And finally, msn.com has a little ticker of people's comments and thoughts. While some ofthem are postiive and uplifting some are along the lines of "the saddest day ever. " and "If you though tBush was bad just wait."
Oh and if Rush and others want to say that they hope Obama fails. Then fine. I was very vocal about my dislike for Bush and gripped about the suppression of dissent by Bush and I don't want Obama to follow in those footsteps.