I just thought about this...you know who we didn't see at the ceremony today? Sarah Palin.
I'm sure she's plenty busy with the running of the state of Alaska, looking for Putin's head in the airspace, and, hey, those Moose aren't going to shoot themselves you know.
Is Ray Nagin a Mayor? Because there's some big Mayors meeting/delegation in DC right now.
The University of Utah marching band is supposed to be there. They got the invite a week ago and went on a mad flurry of fund raising to make the trip.
I think that might be them... blue and gold, look young enough... I think that's my Tiger band.
ETA: Yes, just confirmed. Hi, Tigers! ::waves::
OK, this is from the Slate article on body armor:
No soft material can provide complete security against all types of bullets or multiple hits in the same place (which is why the term "bulletproof" is out of vogue), but the National Institute of Justice (the Department of Justice's research agency) has developed standards for determining to what extent a product is "resistant." Type IIA armor, for example, should protect against a 9 mm-caliber, full-metal-jacketed, round-nose bullet travelling at 373 miles per second. Type IIIA (the highest standard for a flexible, as opposed to hard material) protects against a 357 SIG flat nose bullet fired at a velocity of 448 miles per second.
Anyone notice anything wrong with this paragraph?
Jesse White Tumbling Team!
Is that some kind of Blagojevich joke?
How many bands did Delaware get? Doesn't it seem like there were a bunch? How come they get to bogart the parade?
Is Ray Nagin a Mayor? Because there's some big Mayors meeting/delegation in DC right now.
Yeah, he's the mayor of New Orleans.
I didn't know Hodgman was on Twitter!