well, if you re-read the posts, it seemed like there was a def. boo-Warren, yay-other dude vibe until Liese said something.
And not only that, the boo-Warren has been incredibly antagonistic and attacky to evangelicals in general, which has been really unfortunate. For all the talk of how the choice of Warren feels like a personal attack, there's been a lot of similar invocations of evangelicals on the board the last few days.
They say "commit into your hands" stuff at commissioning type events too, like sending a new church leader off or whatnot.
That makes sense. I've really only heard it at funerals, though, which is why it was kind of creepy to my ear.
I'm not a huge fan of Billy G's either, but I like his speech more than Warren's. It reads broader to me, more univeral in theme and well, not having the Lord's Prayer at the end.
So, it's ok to invoke racism at the Inauguration
I don't think anyone was saying that.
I don't either. I haven't heard the benediction, so I'll wait to have an opinion.
I want one of those blankets left on the chairs. They look snuggly.
Warren was okay up until he invoked the J-word. I guess he couldn't hold himself back.
I've got no problem with the benediction speaker. Everyone was smiling at the stuff he was saying at the end was partly in jest.
Aretha had the best hat.
I loved Michelle's dress and coat.
Man, GHWB is old now. Guess I haven't seen him in a while.
Four out of five of the last presidents have been left-handed. The number overall is like, way lopsided.
Wonder why?
I'll still boo Warren as much as I damn well please and feel not one whit guilty about it given that he's likened me to an incestuous pedophile and someone practicing bestiality. Regardless of how conservative Reverend Graham may be, I don't recall him ever doing that.
Like lori, I had a different take on the black brown red yellow white thing--I saw it more as gentle ribbing about the ridiculousness of these arbitrary color definitions, which a black man of his age would have experienced a lot of in his life. I didn't see it as him actually implying that these words were good or useful. I can see why others might have a differing opinion, though.
Java, from way back: Keith must have some party manners. Or a bet with Dan Patrick.
As beautiful as this all was, part of me would have like to have seen:
KEITH: Dick Cheney, today's...
CROWD: Worst. Person. In The World!
(OBAMA shakes head in disappointment)
KEITH: Sorry. Habit.