Yeah, much as I hate Bush, I was kinda turned off by the people who BOOED as he walked on. I thought that was really not classy.
And dang, Michelle Obama is TALL! You can see her being a couple inches taller than even the guys in the crowd as she does some gladhanding there! Awesome!
I have such respect for the office, I wouldn't be able to boo. Man, Obama looks stately. I can't imagine anyone looking more like a President.
Yeah, booing is not classy, but I sure get the sentiment.
So do I, but I feel like at a ceremony like this it falls under "if you can't say anything nice, say nothing at all."
Obama looks so calm.
OK, Keith just said "it looks like there's "calmness helper" involved"....did he just say it looks like Obama is on DRUGS???
I think he meant that Obama was faking it, but yeah, it sure came out differently!
Why does the UK office think I'm getting on a conference call in 20 minutes? Are they crazy?
I thought the Clintons looked a little subdued. I wonder if Hilary felt burned by that slip Dr.Biden made on Oprah.
If I was getting ready to face that crowd, I would at least need a scotch. But I would bet my house that Obama is zen naturally.
You guys, I'm gonna lose it.
I didn't think I would cry so soon.