I wish I were the kind of person who could tolerate crowds, because I'd love to be in DC for the inauguration. But being in a crowd like that is total claustrophobia for me. Even for an event like this, I couldn't do it.
Same here. I'm thrilled that we're having such an amazing transitional ceremony, and I'm very happy that I have both online and f2f friends who are attending. I'm equally happy that I can be happy for them from my couch, while listening to Leifur trill at the birds on the feeder.
Anytime I hear about great crowds like that, I think, "what about if you have to go to the bathroom?" I wish my mind weren't quite so prosaic in its concerns. It's not as though it's a frequent concern of mine, but I often evaluate situations on the basis of availability of sanitary facilities.
Besides which, work etc. I'm thinking of going to the local Democratic Committee potluck tomorrow, though!
Yeah, I'd rather watch from way far away from the crowd, or with a quick escape route when it was over.
Since 8 years ago, I was probably still curled up in a fetal position on my couch
Same here. I don't know what people are more excited about. Is it the awesomeness of the new president, or the end of the horror of the last 8 years?
I am the only one in my office today. Guess that means I can watch tv.
My internets is broken. I hope it is a TWC thing and not a modem thing. All the washing machines are full and I have no motivation to do anything else, and the tv is in use. Wah
Or from the warm comfort of my couch!
I've got a brazillion things to do today.
1. Get off this chair
2. Cooridinate toy pick up
3. Put in a pot roast
4. take blinds in to be repaired
5. mail packages
Number 1 is going to be the most difficult.
6. Buy airline tickets
You can even do it from the chair!
Arisia is having some Monday programming. I'm debating whether to leave the house or not, though.
6. Buy airline tickets
Oh, yeah! That is also on my list!
I don't know what people are more excited about. Is it the awesomeness of the new president, or the end of the horror of the last 8 years?
Both, for me. RIght now, I think "end of the horror of the last 8 years" edges out Barawesomeness.
And the thing is, after the 2004 election especially, I was overwhelmed at the idea that so many people who live in the same country I do, who saw the government doing the same things I did, could vote to continue an administration whose central tactics were lying, killing, and hating anyone not like them.
If enough people in 2004 voted to keep a president like that in office, I was flat-out *scared.* Because it felt like all the votes that kept Bush in office were votes predicated on hatred of anyone Not Like Them.
Which was ME.
Today, I'm not stupid. I know there are countless people in this country who have never met me -- who don't know I exist -- who hate People Like Me, and may well have voted on those feelings.
It's just that, in 26 hours (!), at least that hatred won't be tacitly supported by the government that purports to be for ALL Americans.