Doers anyone have a good black bean soup recipe
OOOOH. I have one. It's stewish and relies on canned, but adjust accordingly.
Ingreds: 1 onion
garlic (I used preminced, a couple tablespoons)
green chile (if I can only get canned, I do 3 or 4 small cans. Frozen, I go berzerkers)
2 cans black beans
chopped up cooked chicken (a couple large breasts or a pack of the precooked)
pepper, cinnamon, salt to taste
Sautee onion with garlic and pepper in oil until onions just go translucent.
Add green chile and a good dusting of cinnamon and continue sauteeing until..well, not long.
Add 2 cans of beans, drained. Let that simmer for a bit, add more cinnamon if you'd like (and salt and pepper to taste.) Cinnamon adds a meatiness, but doesn't really taste cinnamony.
After a while (30 minutes, slow simmer?) add the chicken and simmer a little longer. I usually run 1 c of the stuff through a blender and pour it back in to soup it up.
I realize this is very cobbly, too.
I would not use the chicken, and add a beer. Also maybe do the carrot and celery with the onion etc.
sara- that sounds way better than my cobbly! I cobble Italian far better than Mexican/Southwest! I have dried black beans, but I think it will work as long as I soak them beforehand.
ETA- Maybe some chicken thighs would work, as they are $.49/pound!!!
Mona is set to arrive in the next 54 minutes. I am very nervous and excited.
Also, oddly, I am suddenly sneezing my head off.
I love the theme to FNL. I loved it best when the credits were mostly road views. Reminded me of driving the scenic backroads from Austin to Killeen, windows down at sunset in humid summer, through stopsignless towns. It was so dreamlike and made me imagine an impossible life there. (And this was long before FNL.)
Aw, Kristen, new-puppy-haver! You gonna get ANY sleep tonight??
I am so excited for all these new animals! It is making me wish that my Miss. Mew-Mew/Miss Bobo/Snickers did not hate other cats so much that I ended up getting her because her owners wanted to have her put to sleep. She hates other cats so much she gets into meowing wars with the cat in the apartment downstairs! Through the wall!
I predict that we will all wear ourselves out and be in bed by midnight. Unless, of course, I can't stop the sneezing.
That's right, it's FNL night!!!!!
So excited.
Oh, another thing that you can add is corn. I never have, but it seems like a good addition.