Those penguins were in mortal peril, man. I was trying to save them. Well, save me from watching them die. I think their actual fate was sealed before I hit play.
Wait wait wait wait WAIT... are you suggesting that yelling at the characters on screen does NOTHING?!?!?!
It's 17°F here, with a wind chil of 7°. Tonight's projected low is 4°F with a wind chill of You Don't Wanna Know, Stay Inside You Moron!
I figure they mean the romance with the public, because I am trying to figure out how I think Michelle Obama might react if she found out her hub had a series of playboy-style extramarital affairs. I think the words "His Ass Handed to Him" figure prominently.
Well, Biden would get the chance to see if he could beat Bush's record of putting his foot in his mouth.
That BBC Obama article has this, so they know that "romance" doesn't apply in the literal sense:
Whereas Jack Kennedy was a "playboy president" - his time in office has been labelled the "thousand days," but is almost as noteworthy for its "thousand nights" - Mr Obama exhibits an almost monastic self-discipline.
I'm guessing we're not going to have any intern nonsense going on in the Oval Office this time around.
I am evil. I sent this to my cousin who loves hounds.
To be fair, I've been more worried about the Jack Daniels delivery driver in the oval office the last 8 years than about interns with kneepads.
I am at work. My face is starting to thaw. Dashboard says -10°F here.
My radio woke me with the news that it is "stupid cold". I agree.
Mr Obama exhibits an almost monastic self-discipline.
Well, except for the Crackberry addiction.
The woman who got to the door at the office before I did apparently didn't have the keycard to get in so she waited for me. She didn't have any gloves on which I asked her about, and she said she left them in her car. WTF??? You don't leave your gloves in the car when it's not supposed to get above zero today, for cryin' out loud!
Oh dear. And hee. Dan Savage is asking readers to pick a definition for "saddlebacking" a la "santorum" a few years ago: [link]
Mr Obama exhibits an almost monastic self-discipline.
Well, except for the Crackberry addiction.
Um, and the smoking. He's not a saint. I get annoyed when people [not us people, media people] try to make him so "other", since the fact that he's a real guy is such a big part of why I like him.