In my office, if there was an inauguration party, my department wouldn't be allowed to go (remember, we are the department who isn't allowed to listen to the radio, listen to music, talk to each other about anything non-work-related, or make or receive personal phone calls on the company phone; if the entire company was subject to those rules, it wouldn't suck so bad, but it's just us).
Oh! And relatedly, I know I forgot to tell this story: we're behind in production, and incompetent!boss told us last week that, because we're salaried employees, "we" (which never means "him") have to be willing to work more than 40 hours a week due to the "dire circumstances."
And then he said -- I wish I were making this up -- "On 9/11, newspaper reporters couldn't just tell their editors, 'Sorry, I only work until 5:00, I'm going home!' "
Because being late with a pharmacy journal is JUST LIKE thousands of people dying in a terrorist attack. JUST. LIKE. IT.
(Please, no Craigslist links.)