Maybe he saw your White Castle commercial.
Nahh, I've known him since the 80's. I wrote him a fan letter (something I RARELY do) after I picked up his first LP. A year or two later, I mentioned to him that I'd be visiting London and he invited me to visit his home. Just an incredibly generous guy.
Just an incredibly generous guy.
Damn. Love to see that show, but tickets for the F2F are already booked. Of course, I think the only stuff of his I've heard was on your show. And it's been a while since I've been able to listen to that at work. Liked everything I heard, though.
I think it's a very good reason to have to miss the F2F, though.
Armpits of Rock
Can you spot your favorite rock star by their armpit only?
Hint: Morrissy shaves his.
FYI, The Decemberists were on Colbert last night. Obviously the next day reruns have already rerun, but I'm sure it's downloadable.
They were awesome, too. I think the overt progness of the new album may work better in a live setting.
An awesome picture of Morrissey: He's Just Wilde About Oscar
Note that some other posts on this blog are NSFW.
Also, check out this xkcd comic: Tag Combination
eta: Be sure to mouse over the comic for extra added bonus funny....
Anyone heard anything about Big Man Japan? The trailer looks awesome! [link]