I had no idea there were Beatles deniers.
So whackadoo!
This just reminds me of people who think they are expert on accents and go off complaining about things like Glenn Quinn's Irish accent or people who see photos from odd angles and make wild conclusions about plastic surgery.
Average Populace: Not expert on lots of shit.
Average Populace: Not expert on lots of shit.
Yeah. Reminds me of folks who think we never walked on the Moon. Some of their "evidence" is stuff like you can't see stars in photos taken on the Moon's surface. They say that without air, stars should be visible during the day on the Moon.
Of course, if astronauts had set their camera exposure to actually show the stars, everything on the Moon's surface would be completely overexposed.
100% of their songs were taken from previous rock or big band artists, otherwise are mostly from the classical music era.
Ha! Just like every pop song ever!
So I just downloaded the rest of the Parliament album
The Best of Parliament.
And I recognized the song "Do That Stuff", but not the Parliament version.
Then it hit me. Stereo Total covers that song, right? Although if I'm correct, they gave it a different name.
Wikipedia to the rescue.
Edit: I just sent “Beauty Case” to buffistarawk.
Cool. Thanks.
eta: I already have that Stereo Total song--I just couldn't remember what it was. But at least I won't have to listen to all three of my Stereo Total albums to find it.
The best thing I've heard all day today is Amanda Palmer saying, "Ladies and gentlemen: Davie Byrne!"
Burning Down the House: Palmer & Byrne - Boing Boing
Cory Doctorow sez:
Here is a video in which Amanda Fucking Palmer and David Byrne and a very large, very good band perform "Burning Down the House."
My life is complete.
That is all.
Burning Down the House: Palmer & Byrne - Boing Boing
She's created such an interesting life for herself, that she gets to do things like this and sing Rocky Horror songs on Craig Ferguson.
Andy Griffith, guitar shredder: [link]
Damn, Springsteen's cover of Suicide's "Dream Baby Dream" is awesome.