I'm enjoying how a high concept epiphany in the desert ends up sounding like The Outfield of all fucking things. Cobras, I'd just expect, frankly (seriously, Planetary (Go!) sounds like someone finally locked GABE in the basement). The Psychadelic Furs vibes are more than welcome. I'm not complaining, mind you, they've given me Georgia Satelites in the past so I guess nothing should surprise me.
There's also some serious Sweet vibes (hello, intro to "Vampire Money"). I think "Sing" is the most G.A.B.E.-esque song, though, just for the lyrics alone. Maybe that's what Midtown would have turned into.
I'm enjoying how a high concept epiphany in the desert ends up sounding like The Outfield of all fucking things. Cobras, I'd just expect, frankly (seriously, Planetary (Go!) sounds like someone finally locked GABE in the basement). The Psychadelic Furs vibes are more than welcome. I'm not complaining, mind you, they've given me Georgia Satelites in the past so I guess nothing should surprise me.
Every day I have a new favorite. "Kids From Yesterday" a few days ago, then "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W," although "Sing" stays right up there, too. I'm so squeeful about this album.
Already scheming my Killjoys costume...
eta that the video for Sing kills me. ::sniff::
I tried to convince Pete that for next Halloween he wants to dress up like Korse, and I'll come up with a Cupcake Goth Killjoy costume.
He said no. Go figure.
Bet you can talk Stunt!Husband into it.
Nope, 'cos StuntHusband would have to shave his goatee to do it, and that Does. Not. Happen.
Nah, Pete can't be Korse, Pete is ENTIRELY TOO ADORABLE.
Korse? Not at ALL adorable.
Korse is so utterly unadorable that, were Pete to successfully pull off a Korse costume, no one would ever be able to call Pete adorable again.
Ticket Drama!
OK, I have convinced my buddy to take the seekrit show ticket! In part, because I am on the list for the Fuse taping the next day. How sweet is that??!?!?!?
Unfortunately, I am older than the very specific age on the Fuse pass. I am hoping that showing up with three appropriately aged people will do the trick and they won't give me grief. Additionally, I am (and I realize how hysterically funny this IS) looking into
alternate identification. Anyone know anything about that?
Well, it seems concert karma is on our side, we won another set of tickets.
Sweet zombie Jesus, Trudy! I am so excited for you! (And frothingly envious, but I figured that was taken as read.)
Gaaaah! You must post concert reports!