For those who remember those ads where they offered to turn your lyrics into completed songs or for folks who are fans of "The Beat of the Traps" compilations, PBS aired a doc on them called:
Off the Charts: The Poem-Song Industry
It's a Hulu link so I apologize to non-United Statesians.
I found it pretty interesting.
I am praying for a NOLA MCR date after the New Year.
Patrick is a naughty l'il bitch.
Anyone watching the MTV webcast tonight?
Spidra, that Song-Poem Anthology from a few years back (Do You Know The Difference Between Big Wood And Brush?) was pretty amazing.
I just read some of the Amazon reviews for that, Hayden. The guy who wrote "Jimmy Carter Says Yes" is in that documentary. So was the guy who wrote "Blind Man's Penis".
So was the guy who wrote "Blind Man's Penis".
Who was at the group book reading for
Lost in the Grooves
at Moe's in Berkeley.
Anyone watching the MTV webcast tonight?
Mikey's bass is so SPARKLY! And the drummer is wearing a Genesis shirt. Heh.
David, as a contributor or as audience?
David, as a contributor or as audience?
John Trubee was the subject of one of the entries and graced us with his presence.