NME has a very enthusiastic track by track review of Danger Days.
Hmmm... I suppose I'll have to download this.
ION, anyone here like Deerhunter? Their latest album
Halcyon Digest
is amazing. If you want to check them out for cheap, I recommend the EP
Fluorescent Grey.
Tickets for MCR in Salt Lake City and Denver -- I has them!
Portland Killjoy achievement: unlocked.
Seattle tickets: achieved!
I'm hedging my bets and hoping for a Columbus date, rather than Cleveland. I hope it doesn't sell out in the meantime.
crosses fingers
There's no way I'm making it to NYC on 12/3, so I've got until May to wait to see them in Philly.
Hit Amoeba H'wood today. Last time I did that, I didn't buy a thing. I was good. I just consigned my album and left. Today I tried looking around to familiarize myself with the store and to see if there was anything I'd find inspiring. I've spent way too little time finding out about new music. And I haven't been able to afford music in so long that my want list in my head kinda dried up. I'm sure I looked like a deer in the headlights.
I ended up walking out with a NY City Opera production of Der Silbersee (The Silverlake). I owned it on LP but should move up to CD/digital. I also bought a Naxos CD of selections from "Der Weg der Verheissung" (The Eternal Road). I'm a little iffier on that since I couldn't remember which period of Weill's it was from.
Damn my eyes. I'm seeing Der Silbersee in my iTunes so I *must* have bought the CD set before. Grr.
EDIT: Oh yay! I had the German language production but not the English one. Phew.
Belated birthday happies for Jilli!!!
My Chemical Romance will be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight, 12:05 a.m. start EST, ABC.
This may well be the Whitest. Rap. Ever. [link]