They scrapped the record and started over, writing and recording a new set of songs, mostly synth-happy, technicolor pop tunes, complete with an unabashed dance beat on "Planetary (GO!)." Like the band's last album, 2006's Black Parade, the new disc has a unifying conceit: It's supposed to be a transmission from a post-apocalyptic radio station in 2019.
So, they submitted to the Cobra?
So, they submitted to the Cobra?
Aaaaauuugh. You may be right. Would that explain Gerard's terrifying hair color?
I don't understand what you're saying but it's fun to observe the conversation.
Would that explain Gerard's terrifying hair color?
It's a better explanation than any I can come up with.
Somewhere, Gabe Saporta is cackling with delight.
(This makes me want to re-read Bandpires. Okay, fine, everything makes me want to re-read Bandpires.)
They definitely messed with the Transmission page, though. [link] There's new stuff on all the stations- especially WKIL. (Unless they've constantly been messing with it, and I just now noticed.)
Believe it or not, the MCR boys are really good at hooks and singalong choruses.
looks at the playcount for "Teenagers", "Kill All Your Friends", and "I'm Not Okay"
Yeah, sounds about right.
So, they submitted to the Cobra?
Never underestimate the power of G.A.B.E.?
How do we get a connecting line from G.A.B.E. to the wacky Apocalypse Mouse costume Gerard was wearing in that video snippet that was released? (Why he felt it was a good idea to roam around Joshua Tree in a giant mouse head, I have no clue. Somehow, I feel Pete Wentz is at fault.)
I love that little snippet. It's postapocasteampunkfurry!