That's a cool list, Hec.
ION, I try to rate most of my songs in iTunes, and I just noticed what might be my highest-rated album. Galaxie 500's
This Is Our Music,
which I've given five stars to all but two songs (the last two tracks). Those two songs have four stars. So I've given that album an average rating of 4.8 stars. For me,
This Is Our Music
is very close to a perfect album.
Now I want to write a script that will calculate the average rating of all my albums....
That's a cool list, Hec.
Well, it's just fun to sing along to the Log Commercial. "It's better than bad / it's good..."
I'm trying to think of albums that would rate as highly for me. No duff cuts.
Swordfishtrombones. (duh)
Rain Dogs
In Too Much Too Soon - NY Dolls
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel
Radio City - Big Star
Fairport Chronicles (a cheat since it's a compilation but still)
Toys in the Attic - Aerosmith
Submarine Bells - The Chills
Astral Weeks - Van
Kind of obvious choices and acknowledged masterpieces, I guess.
But they're classics for a reason!
Ple, Jen, others...
Bird on a Wire the 1972 documentary of Leonard Cohen's European tour is finally out on DVD.
I would add Randy Newman's "Good Old Boys" and The Beatles "Revolver" to that perfect album list.
The Official Iggy Pop Shirtless Aging Timeline: [link]
Oopsie. This is what I meant to post:
The Official Iggy Pop Shirtless Aging Timeline: [link]
I'm thinking he stopped working out after 2003. Or some combination of going off steroids and somebody finding the portrait in the attic.
Yeah, there's a definite drop in quality around that time.