This quote from Prince has been all over the place:
The internet’s completely over. I don’t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won’t pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can’t get it. The internet’s like MTV. At one time MTV was hip and suddenly it became outdated. Anyway, all these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.
Crap - I have too many numbers in my head....
Oh, I read elsewhere that he's shut down his web site.
He's so reliably wacky. Points for consistency!
Hey everyone. I haven't popped my head in here in a long, long time. I'm doing so because this morning Amazon spammed me to buy David's Tom Waits book, and it reminded me that I still play the Sugar Shock tape in the car all the time for the kids, and I need to beg for a tracklisting so I can make a CD of it before it tape decks disappear forever...
The Prince thing is great - Tony Parsons is on the front of one of the UK papers saying it's a return to form and his best album in 23 years, but they always say that and it hasn't been true since - to be generous - Lovesexy
Jim! Good to hear from you, man!
Writers saying album X is a "return to form" is one of my big music crit pet peeves. You're right -- they always say that. And then the next album comes out and they say it again!
and I need to beg for a tracklisting so I can make a CD of it before it tape decks disappear forever...
Hey Jim! So good to see you again. Glad the kids are enjoying such quality bubblegum.
Why don't you email me at my profile address. I think I've got the original master tape here and I can give you the tracklisting.
And if I can get a mailing address I think I can send some CDs your way as well.
Jim! Nice to see you!
I was thinking about David at the (Christian music) festival because on day one I heard three (and it would have been four if my cheering had stood up) different Tom Waits covers.
What Tom Waits made it in the Christian music festival?
It's not as curious as my coworker who said they sang Cohen's Hallelujah at a church service. I was like, "I don't think that Hallelujah means what you think it means."
Speaking of Christian music: watching David Eugene Edwards plays merely 70-80 cms from me was probably the most terrifying experience I ever had from a band on stage. It dissolved "walking alone in a dark "come and rape me, boys!" industrial area for 20 minutes" into perspective.
But is was good. So good (not the fear - the band (Woven Hand)). Best bass-drums section I've seen in a long time.
What Tom Waits made it in the Christian music festival?
Tom's written several gospel songs, actually. Notably "Jesus Gonna Be Here." "Way Down in the Hole" also lends itself to a gospel reading.
Catching up in Music... Hec, you've put
Glad Girls
and the glorious image of Diana Rigg in my head. I thank you for that. And on topic, I forgot how much I fucking love the Raveonettes song
Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed)
until I heard it on my way in to work this morning. While I think it's lyrically great, I kind of wish it was about something not so serious so I could enjoy it more cheerfully.