I own a lot of stuff now I'd have been DEAD before owning in high school.
Yes. Not the MCR, obviously, but I still kinda reflexively wince at owning stuff by Cobra Starship. And I'm still a little appalled that I have songs by both Justin Timberlake AND Brittany Spears. (Both of which are Plei's fault. I BLAME HER.)
How'd you like Dean's prog rock Roger Dean inspired freakout in the last Venture Brothers?
Flashback city. In many ways.
whistles innocently
Brittany Spears
Well, at least you proved you're not a real fan since her name is spelled Britney :)
Well, at least you proved you're not a real fan since her name is spelled Britney :)
It is? Huh. All I know is that on her last tour she had a giant pink & black croquet mallet that should be MINE, dammit.
All I know is that on her last tour she had a giant pink & black croquet mallet that should be MINE, dammit.
I shudder to think what she did with it.
oh Jilli does need it : [link]
I do. When those pictures first hit the internets, so many people sent them to me going "Did you see this? Are you asking for one for your birthday?"
But what would you
with it? I mean, it looks more like you'd use it to bop naughty minions on the head.
Wait a sec....
But what would you do with it? I mean, it looks more like you'd use it to bop naughty minions on the head.
Look, it's not like I've ever TRIED to conceal my clever plans. It's just no one ever believes I'll actually do that stuff. Until it's too late, muah-ha-ha-ha!
My only shame is Rod Stewart. It is a deep and lingering shame. I still enjoy everything else I ever loved.
My musical tastes are much broader and louder than they were in high school when I was a slave to lyrics (and couldn't stand a song with even one lame one) and I thought electric guitars were what you put up with when acoustic guitars were just too soft. I had no love of noise. I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.