I hate that everyone seems to be going through such difficult times right now.
My new thinking (since end of 2007) is that basically there are times that life actively sucks out loud and times in between where it sucks slightly less. This pessimistic attitude has actually worked out pretty well for me, because I'm so grateful when the sucking eases up temporarily, and really get to notice and enjoy it before life gets back to sucking, which is pretty much business as usual. And I've gotten better at appreciating the smaller moments of love and calm while weathering the storm.
"Life is pain, princess. Anyone telling you otherwise is selling you something."
Huh. Until I wrote it down, I didn't realize how extensive my "life sucks" philosophy is.
And, um, I hope it doesn't seem weird to say after that that Calli, you and your dad and your family are in my thoughts. I hope so much that the day brings better news for you.