I would entertain you, ND, but two mornings of having to leave my house at 6:30AM to go to the airport (and two nights before that of staying up way too late because I am stupid, and a night owl) mean I am sleeeeepy.
OK, actually, nightowly I am not nearly as sleepy as I should be, but I'm TRYING to not sleep in until all hours of the morning tomorrow, since I have shit to do. So I'm trying to convince myself to get off the couch and the internet and go to BED.
Which is not entertaining.
But, um, hi!
I just got home. D is playing Metroid: somethingorother. I think there's peanut butter on the cat.
You hope that's peanut butter.
Oh no! Not Peanut Butter! DUDE!! The cat will get salmonella!
OK, I have a very strange request for Buffista ~ma. Y'all have the power of the universe, and it might just take that.
As you might recall, I'm heading to DC next month for a wedding. A few months ago I contacted my Congressman about a White House Tour. With the change of administration, apparently there is a change in how tours are done, so they waited to contact me until after inauguration. Here comes the sticky wicket. They need a minimum of 1 month advance notice. The wedding is in 3 weeks. I just sent the requested excel sheet with the list of names and info. Can I get some WhiteHouseTour~ma?
Also, in the mail today, I received my Metro SmartTrip special edition Inauguration Day Barack Obama card! I'm such a geek. This has me all squee. After the trip I gotta frame it or something.
With that, I really should go to bed.
Sweet dreams, omnis. White House Tour ~ma.
C. S. Lewis
LOVE (still Jewish, but grew up on Narnia books. OK, mostly love, because the dude wrote some fucked up shit. But still, what's love without some fucked up shit?).
Piece of furniture and White House Tour~ma, my lovely baker.
ND, how could I entertain you?
My brain is being bad tonight. Not only won't it let me sleep, but it is insisting on remembering every mistake I have ever made.
Much White House Tour~ma to you, o_a.
Hmmmm, peanut butter on the cat. I expect mine would stop whatever he was doing and go into an intensive grooming spree, should peanut butter ever make it's way onto him. And then he'd fall off of whatever furniture he was on while still licking the peanut-buttered fur. Because I got him for his personality and not his grace.
If one of my cats had peanut butter on it, I'm certain that one of the dogs would eat the cat.
Gronk. Just got home. Heading to bed for a few hours of sleep in a moment.