I'd be annoyed, too. And paranoid in the same manner as Laga.
Yeah. The Bible says a lot about salvation. Peter said repent and be baptised, Paul said it was about faith in Jesus, James said faith without works is dead, Matthew 25 mentions only works and rejects faith, John says no one comes to Jesus except God draws them.
I was given to understand in my "Religion and the Early Church" course, that one of the reasons for including so many variations on a theme was so that it would be more inclusive. That there was no one true way and that any of those methods were acceptable. The early founders didn't want to exclued people, they wanted to get as many converts as possible and if that meant including the sacrifice of two goats and a guinea pig to prove your faith, then it got included. From that sense, Christianity has been a fantastic failure.
vw, I think I'd be annoyed, but not upset. In the relationshippy sense. Given that overcloseness was an issue before, he may be (unconsciously) testing the boundaries a bit. So, okay, give him shit that he's fucking with your plans a little. But really, you haven't been together all that long, and the occasional time when his buddies come up with something last minute that he wants to do? Is that really that big a deal?
you're shitting me. @@
Heh. And when I was going around asking each group how they were doing, I noticed and said, "OK, how are you doing here, other than looking up the answer on the internet?" And he wasn't even embarrassed, and kept the laptop out for a while longer.
vw, you are justifiably annoyed.
Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day.
in my shopping cart ... thx Pix
Does anyone have a good bread recipe for beginners?
flour + water + yeast + salt + time
flour + water + yeast + salt + time
Not necessarily in that order. I'd go yeast + water + flour + salt + time.
Pierce Brosnan's spicy brains must be licked. And did you notice the lovely, lovely dress the woman was wearing in her fatter picture?
In general, that kind of article makes me want to mow down with a machine gun the people who publish that kind of shit. Seriously, I swear the difference between the skinny photos and fat photos of some of those people is 10 pounds and a comfortable outfit. It's evil. And I do not mean that in any jocular fashion at all. All the ranting and raving I could do comes down to, "It's evil."