I remember walking down the sidewalk at Marquette with my best friend, and we were discussing the way her roommate/other best friend had completely screwed her over and basically unfriended her in a really harsh way. I was getting a bit loud in my anger at her ex-friend, and said something like, "It's the principle of the thing!!"
This prompted the person walking in front of us to turn around and ask if we were discussing something from philosophy class. It was the president of the university, so I rather disappointed him when I said it was an issue we had with a friend.
I'm having a case of "where do we go from here".
Making out with Spike in the alley?
Making out with Spike in the alley?
Shoot, right now I'd make out with just about anyone, just about anywhere.
I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.
Ah, Emo Phillips, you brilliant freak, you.
Oh, like Pierce Brosnan needed to be ANY MORE APPEALING [link]
Trudy, that link took me to "Stars Ups and Downs"
Yeah, thinking about this led me to thinking about all the people who lived and died without hearing about Jesus
There's another branch too, that believes that those who never had the chance to accept Christ will have the opportunity to do so in the afterlife. Which leads to a conundrum when you're the same age as wee Catholic Glamcookie, something along the lines of, "then shouldn't we try to avoid proselytizing anyone because we surely will do a lousier job of it than Jesus, you know, in the actual afterlife?"
While I obviously don't know if it's existentially true, I love what C.S. Lewis said on this topic: "Is it not frightfully unfair that this new life should be confined to people who have heard of Christ and been able to believe in Him? But the truth is God has not told us what His arrangements about the other people are. We do know that no man can be saved except through Christ; we do not know that only those who know Him can be saved through Him."
It's too early for Coultergeist, y'all.
Do you think she's like that all the time? Like, is that who the old gang from high school remembers too? Her calling the biology teacher a "liberal moron"?
I don't know why I care...
I'm not sure which branch of doctrine this belongs to, but apparently one purpose of Purgatory is for the righteous heathens, the ones like the Ancient Greeks who never had the chance to hear the gospel but who lived good lives. Or maybe it's the first circle of Hell in Dante.
My memory says this is the first circle of Hell in Dante, but memory is a shifty beast.
My memory says this is the first circle of Hell in Dante, but memory is a shifty beast.
Your memory is correct. First Circle of Hell is Limbo, which is where the unbaptized & righteous pagans live. I don't know if Dante based it on any doctrine, but that's where he meets up with Virgil et al.