Of course, if this is true, then well, like centuries of people will just go to hell because there wasn't anyone who believed this way until Martin Luther came along.
It's so eye-rolly that I can't even stand it sometimes.
It's also why I say, "There's gonna be a whole heck of a lot of surprised people when we all get to heaven!"
Personally I can really get my back up when someone starts insisting on an all loving creator who'll throw you out on a technicality.
Once at church camp someone asked the Pastor-o-the-Week about blasphemy and he said (and I've never been able to find some awesome source for this, so it might have been all his), "The only blasphemy is underestimation of the Diety."
Which has always stuck with me. And is a lense through which I take a look at any bold religious declaration. "Are you selling God short here? Do you REALLY want to do that?"
I'm not saying everybody needs to believe in God, but if you're going to do it? DO it. Don't try and develop some sort of pocket-sized almighty that you can wrap your puny human brain around with ease.
The entire history of religion in America is, pretty much, UR DOING IT WRONG, HEY LET'S SCHISM! (With periodic waves of immigrants arriving and saying "HEY! THEY'RE DOING IT WRONG HERE! THEY'VE SCHISMED!!!")
(I just recently finished listening to this really fantastic lecture series on American Religious History. Did you know that the Oneida silverware company started out as a freaky Christian sex cult in upstate NY? And they only started the metalwork thing to fund their freaky cult commune? Basically the Oneida family patriarch believed that sex was holy and you should have as much of it as possible, but orgasms and marriage were evil. So they got a lot of early converts who came for the promiscuity but left once they realized it wasn't going to be any fun. It didn't last long.)
Funny that their bread and butter is the marriage industry.
but orgasms and marriage were evil.
Orgasms are evil? I get the tantric thing and all. don't get me wrong, it's heaven. but NO orgasms?!?! Um. Is that sex then? I'm confused.
It was sort of "every sperm is sacred" taken to a totally illogical extreme. In order to not waste sperm, men weren't allowed to have sex with premenopausal women until they could do it without ejaculating. (Female orgasms, unsurprisingly, didn't really count.)
There was also a kind of selective breeding program which determined who was allowed to ejaculate, and when, and into whom. Like I said, the commune pretty much fell apart after a single generation.
The town I grew up in had 12,500 people and at least 23 separate churches. All the way from Catholic to Protestant.