Hell, I have to do a double take for ND and Nora's posts. It's an easy mistake to make, I think.
Raq, I know I said this already, but I am so damned glad to hear you are home safe. I just wish we'd known you were in the hospital so we could have sent flowers as a group. My expeience last year taught me what a difference flowers can make to your mood when trapped in a hospital bed. Little things. Oh wait...now I can't remember if you are in the US or not. I really need a new memory. Seriously, I ran out of RAM years ago.
So I came home at lunch after finding a colleague to teach my last period class and promptly slept for three hours. I'm feeling a bit better. I know this is almost definitely just a head/chest cold, but I'm unbelievably paranoid after last year. My doctor told me that my immune system had taken a beating and that I'd probably catch everything for awhile, and he wasn't kidding. He also said I'm susceptible to getting pneumonia again, which is why I got the OMG painful pneumonia vaccine when I got my flu shot. Still, coughing is worry-making. But I think I'm going to be fine if I just get some rest today and tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and Hil, what they said about your officemate. The stupid, it burns.
Also, Happy Frisco Day! I can't believe it's already been a year!
Thanks Kristin - the DH was a bit overwhelmed and had meant to post where I was, but couldn't remember how. And I was a little out of it. You feel better too, okay?
ION, RiffTrax is a lot funnier than I thought.
Glad you are home , Raq and doing better. yikes.
Happy birthday, Frisco
and good on you , PixK , for listening to your body. After the great asthma attack/bronchitis it was year of getting really sick everytime I found a germ, 1 year of my body saying go to bed when I got a little cold and, Now I seem back to Normal.
the DH was a bit overwhelmed and had meant to post where I was, but couldn't remember how. And I was a little out of it.
Oh, I so didn't mean to imply anyone
have told us--sorry if it came out sounding that way.
You feel better too, okay?
Thanks. I am, actually. Three hour naps are very good.
Raq, I am so glad you're home and recovering! Sleep, rest, and take care of yourself.
Kristin, you take care of yourself, too. I'm glad you went home and slept today.
Is RiffTrax the one Mike does, or the one Joel does. Because they both do MSTie-ish purchasable podcasts now. I forget what the other one is called.
Also, vey glad you are home, Raq.
the DH was a bit overwhelmed and had meant to post where I was, but couldn't remember how. And I was a little out of it.
Sox posted an oblique request for ~ma your way, so I thought something might be up. Glad you made it home.
Sox posted an oblique request for ~ma your way, so I thought something might be up.
it was oblique. apologies.