The Duggars' first kiss was at the altar. They did hold hands and hug before that, though.
I know people like that. Actually, I very distinctly remember a portion of a sermon where my first pastor's son (who was an evangelist) described how he and his wife "practiced" their first kiss the night before their wedding--they were standing on opposite ends of the room, trying to figure out how to tilt their heads. Sounds so romantic to me!
Hope you had fun, Laga!
The o_a and shir show is getting really hot!
Shir, do not freak. You can do this. Totally. Two weeks is a long time! I've done whole classes' worth of work in that amount of time!
He seems to be friends with some other Buffistae. Any one know what his board name is?
Relatedly, and I'm ashamed to ask this, who is Theresa Anderson? It's not bon bon, is it? Because I thought she had a different first name.
That's not bon bon. Could it be Michigan Theresa from the old days? Er... who I'm not even sure was named Theresa anymore? Crap. I went dancing with her, what was her name? ita? bon bon? Who was that masked girl?
Michigan Theresa was Theresa W., and she's also on Facebook -- so it's not her.
Whew! Thanks, amych (ay-meech? a-mick?*). I'm glad I really was remembering the right name -- I just had a brain freeze once I'd written it down.
(*I'm not actually wondering how to pronounce it. I'm exploring the possibilities. Possibly I'm a little punchy from the lack of sleep and the dread of "Do we HAVE to do math?" that I'll be hearing all day long.)
How about Dianne Cameron? I thought the only Atlanta buffistas were bicyclops and Ginger.
amych (ay-meech? a-mick?)
Amy-chuh, except that the schwa is hardly pronounced.
Two weeks is a long time!
It's not that I'm that behind in the material. I got 90% so far, including one of the classes with 3500 pages to read.
It's the having 7 finals and three end-of-semester papers to do, and something like 20 days to do the exams. I'll probably take the second date they're suggesting for two of those exams, because I can't see myself handling a final exam every 3 days.
So I'll probably go dark next week until the beginning of March.
The o_a and shir show is getting really hot!
Here we are now, entertaining interior decoratoring...
Okay, Theresa Anderson has a lot of Buffistas as friends -- I feel utterly moronic for not knowing who she is.