Well, then he misunderstood, because indigo and sea foam green were about the only two colors he had for the first week.
Is he maybe color blind?
Funny you should ask that. I was having similiar thoughts. With all the drama of the bible. Creation. The heavens. The earth. Water. Land. And then the banishing from Eden. The tempest that floods everywhere. Hell, just the killing of Abel. Not much in color. It's a pretty basic white/amber type of light plot, as far as this simple sound guy can see. I was thinking as Cain feels slighted, his blood pressure rising, maybe some red in the background, slowly growing until he starts trying to kill his brother? Maybe after they eat the fruit, some purple or magenta storm clouds kind of color. Nope. Just darker. I think he is primarily a Lighting person for dance, so his stuff his white light, and let the bodies & costumes do all the work. It's not all that impressive. God did a better job with one big light in the sky, if you ask me.
I bow to your superior arguments. Indigo is no Pluto.
But without indigo you have no Roy G. Biv!?!?
Funnily enough, though, I'm listening to Claire and the Reasons sing
right now:
"Pluto I have some frightful news dear/ In the New York Times they've just reported/You've been overthrown/ From your Solar Throne/ For good./ Pluto/ They say that you can't handle/ Your own gravity./ Well how can you overcome your body force / To clear the pathway for your orbit?/ And all the planets will gather around to have a thing for you/ They'll wrap their orbits warmly around you/ And send you off with love/ Chin up Pluto! /The stars still want you and we down here do too!..."
etc etc.
Omnis, I'm pole-axed that an adult
working in lighting
can not know the colours of the rainbow (with or without indigo!). Pole. Axed.
Yeah, they can pry indigo out of my cold, dead hands. Why they gotta be messing up all my childhood mnemonic devices?!?!!
Rainbow of the light spectrum should have indigo. Rainbow in paint should not. Because in the light spectrum, having indigo makes it divide up nicely, but with paint, where you can mix colors, having just purple makes the primary/secondary work out right.
Actually, I think I can make an argument either way for indigo being in the light spectrum. But it definitely does not belong on the color wheel.
I'm watching Pal Joey. Frank Sinatra just took his regular tie and retied it as a bow tie. Impressive.
This is a fun movie. Horrifying in parts, but fun.
I'm sorry for your loss, askye.
My dad used to mispronounce names all the time. Like Truman Capote (said Ka-POTE). Hey, I have a question as long as we're looking at pronunciation. I know you can say bah-nahl-ity or bah-NALL-ity, but is banal always bah-nahl? Do some people say bah-NALL?
Pal Joey reminds me of my mom, Hil. She used to go around singing the stripper's song.