Actually pretty close.
Oh, I know it is. I don't actually think there's much direct tie to the Latin-fetish in punctuation rules -- although that's responsible for a lot of the silly stuff that still persists, "SPLIT INFINITIVES" I'M LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU. ahem. But the history of education during the period when expanding access meant expanding codification of all kinds of rules is full of concerns about behavioral control, and not just getting your commas in the right places.
Umm, sorry. Sticky pedant tag. Damn thing never wants to close...
Shir, you're safest not capitalizing after either, unless the colon introduces something you'd capitalize anyway, such as a bulleted list using complete sentences. Theoretically, you capitalize an example introduced by a colon, but in practice, it's usually a matter of a particular publication's style.
I am not feeling work today. Last day of term, students are annoying and mad at me for the homework they're missing.
Suck it up, make it up, or give it up, kids! I am fastidious and your work never came to me.
I am ready to be WEEKENDED.
Serious hugs to all the people who have much more cause than I for complaint and bad moods.
Shir, English is my native language, and I get the technicalities wrong. You do better than I. Not that it makes it ok, but, don't sweat the small stuff.
It bugs the hell out of me that some jackass in a power suit who cannot even pronounce 'nuclear'
Ugg. Because of him, I now have troubles remembering which is the proper way of saying that word.
The nose is feeling better. For whatever reason, I was kind of expecting results as if I had shampooed the carpet, and all the gunk came out and you go "OMG that was in my carpet!" only it came from my nose. Alas, not that dramatic. However, as my sinus fills up (since it only seems to be the right one), and I blow my nose, it seems to actually empty mostly. So, I take that as success.
Because of him, I now have troubles remembering which is the proper way of saying that word.
I did radio in college, and when I got to class after one noon broadcast, the teacher handed me a note with "nuclear" written on it. "How do you pronounce that?" she asked. "Uh . . . did I say it wrong?" "Yes, you did."
I was more pleased that someone was actually listening.
Sticky pedant tag. Damn thing never wants to close...
Tell me about it. Someone in another thread used "effected" for "affected" and I had the urge to correct.
Sort of like the urge I get when someone misuses they're/their/there.
Usually I shrug it off "bcuz I Maek mizteaks to."
Last day of term, students are annoying and mad at me for the homework they're missing.
I love my students i love my students i love my students. But sometimes they're so... immature! Which I know seems obvious, but is no less frustrating for that.
Dear World,
With no appreciation or affection whatsoever,
P.S. Fuck off.
Sweet Jesus!
Really? I wouldn't have thought he was a fan.