Does that sounds like "lies, damned lies, and statistics" to anyone else? Just me? Ah, well, good luck getting prepared for the final, vw.
It's actually fascinating. But, I have to think, and that's just no fun. I mean, really! Who wants to do that?
Ok. And now I should get ready for work. Crazy life I lead!
Happy Birthday, WindSparrow!
I found four of those giant notebook cd case thingies while cleaning the house last night. I have been listening to long lost music all morning. Right now I'm listening to a cd I made in 2002. Belly singing Jimi Hendrix! Magnetic Fields! Today is going to be made of awesome. I can tell.
Happy Birthday, Windsparrow!!!
Yay, vw!!!
Happy Birthday, WindSparrow!
Happy Birthday, Andi!
I said, "Yes. Letters are important, too." I don't think she got it, which is just as well, because it was a little smart-ass of me.
A little smart ass, yes. But also why I adore you.
Happy Birthday Windsparrow!
Happy Birthday to Windsparrow!
Happy birthday, Windsparrow! You'll have to let us know what excellent token of birthday love and pampering Daniel comes up with (because he always does for you for every occasion).
Typo, now I want to play Debater's Poker.
Also, the whole conversation was kind of a while ago now, but I have to chime in along with the "Holy wow, Shir is seriously pretty" chorus.
in case you guys are wondering. Warren didn't come up with "Saddleback" on his own. It's the name of nearby mountains. There's also a Saddleback College and a Saddleback Medical Center, all located in Saddleback Valley. Saddleback saddleback saddleback... the word has lost all meaning.