Wait?!? If I send more baked goods, I get more pictures of rawr Shir? :: imagines the possibilities ::
t thirteen
(cuz surely teenagers have better thoughts than twelve year olds, and boy is that tag hard to close)
Um. What's this lunchbox that keeps being mentioned?
50 mics?!?! Just the RF setup alone is a nightmare! Is this a tour? That complicates thing 100 fold, as each city has it's own RF challenges. Ya, my crew would not be able to handle that.
The Ten Commandments, The Musical had 50 people in wireless. On stuff that large keep in mind that it's a lot lot lot of automation so you aren't actively mixing that many microphones. I know the Hyperion Theatre at Disney's California Adventure has 44 or 46 channels of RF and they used all of them when Blast played there for about six months. Once again, it's all about automating the show and mixing on DCAs.
What's this lunchbox that keeps being mentioned?
The MacGuffin, I believe.
The mics conversation got me thinking incoherent thoughts about the number of mics you have to have to give religious gospels these days/in the past. I mean, they needed some kind of amplification system, right?
Wouldn't know. Don't go to them. I suppose.
Again, incoherent thoughts from hunger.
Just finding out some library books shelves numbers, and then I'm out. Food!
Like mine are any more coherent? It's 3am here. What the frack am I still doing up?!?
Honestly, you two. Get a room!
(Incidentally - forgot to say, but your photo was foamy as hell, Shir! As was the lunchbox! Aaarrrrrr!)
Shir is gorgeous. Just sayin'...