{{{Kristin}}} I am so sorry about Olivia.
Shir is beautiful. And she has a cute lunchbox.
Thank you, Dr. T, for not judging me by the size of my hips.
The nurses at my doc's office always put out a large speculum based on, I assume, my less-than-dainty size. My doc always looks at me and then at the speculum and says, "Oh, this won't do. You need a much smaller one." I love my doctor.
The Pastor (actually I don't recall his official title. Bad secular sound man, no cookie) said something to the effect "you have to believe every word that is written, or you believe none of it.
My evangelical mother told me that I wasn't saved because I don't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible. And, she actually likes me and loves me, but it struck her so hard that I think it slipped out of her mouth. Gotta love being told you're going to hell by your mom.
Y'all, this past week has been very difficult and I foresee it only getting worse before it gets better. At this point, I can't really get into details. I will be able to later, but not now. All kinds of work~ma would be welcomed wholeheartedly.