Timelies, all. Great news, vw bug! I'm so glad you've made it to happy and healthy. Also, your mom's amazing, Shir. I hope everything goes well for her at the clinic.
I'm back home after a weekend in Kernersville and Winston-Salem. Dad's still in the hospital, but he is doing better. The doctor wants him to go to a rehab facility for a while before going home, and I agree that that's a good idea. Leifur did really well with the traveling. He got a little vocal about half-way through the 75 minute drive, but talking back to him seemed to reassure him. Once he was settled in Dad's apartment he seemed to enjoy exploring and getting cuddles. As I may be spending more weekends this way, I'm glad I'll be able to take my cat with me.
I should be using my motivation on working right now, but I don't wanna. Quick, take the motivation before I change my mind.
ow. Sinuses are really hurting. Like, cheek bones are hurting. Eyes bulging. I succumbed. I took some cold medicine. Something I haven't done in ages, because it always sends me to the stratosphere. I'm hoping the 1/2 dose dries out the sinuses, gets rid of the aches and pains, but not enough to launch brain into space. Ugggg. I hate having to work in these conditions. Stupid tech.
gathers motivation to her, then realizes she has to swap over loads of laundry
Laundry won't use up the motivation. It won't, it won't, it won't.
My boys. My friends. My generation. The stuff we'll have to cross to make something worthy out of all of this mess.
Oh, the bears you'll cross!
I decided upon the BluRay of the third PotC movie, as it's silly and over-the-top, but I don't feel the need to watch it closely. I've copy & pasted the two letters I'm answering in this GCS column into a Word doc, and the info that Liese kindly sent me about Christian goth resources. That counts as progress, right?
omg Jilli, that's a ton. You should take a break. Maybe make some brownies, or watch a movie.
t /no help
That counts as progress, right?
Excellent progress. (And blessings to Liese -- I frequently think of the unknown-to-me-personally girl who was kicked out of DH's hardcore fundie high school and her family from their church for practicing freakin' witchcraft, when only her crime was being the only goth kid in a tiny town in New Hampshire.)
omg Jilli, that's a ton. You should take a break. Maybe make some brownies, or watch a movie.
glares sternly at omnis
Yes, you're absolutely correct. You are no help.
(And blessings to Liese -- I frequently think of the unknown-to-me-personally girl who was kicked out of DH's hardcore fundie high school and her family from their church for practicing freakin' witchcraft, when only her crime was being the only goth kid in a tiny town in New Hampshire.)
Oh, poor kidling! Yeah, this GCS is going to be a tricky one. I've got lots of info and advice for the gothling who's parents are concerned she's abandoning her faith because she's wearing black Victorian clothing and likes Nightmare Before Christmas. But the other letter is from a reader who went to Christian school for six years, and after leaving school started exploring other spiritual paths and has become a Satanist. (Which, fine. I know some very nice Satanists.) She wants advice on how to explain to her still-Christian friends that she doesn't intend to go back to their faith.
letter, that's the one that has me scratching my head. It's a great question, and I really want to address it. It's just going to be complex.
t movie tangent
Ooooh, Admiral Norrington! (What? I have a weakness for handsome, somewhat stern, British men. Look at who I married.)
t /movie tangent