You see, I don't understand why the fact that your boyfriend had to get up early means you have to get up early too. Unless you wanted to.
I'm nice like that. He is REALLY not a morning person, so I offered. And I had to slice the banana bread I was sending for the skiing buddies.
And if I'll manage to do all I have to do without wanting to die this week, as in the past month, I'll be freaking happy and grateful.
I SO know that one!
I'm still worried about not getting another job. I don't have time to look, and all of the job offers I see are for the immediate future (and I don't plan to work until March, when my test season will end), or for non-student workers.
Ugh. I too worry about that. Much luck!
And I had to slice the banana bread I was sending for the skiing buddies.
Pssst, can I come over and spend the night at your place too? I promise not to wake you up early, too.
Much luck!
IOnonconventionalweaponsN, Greg Dulli and Mark Lanegan are now preforming with acoustic version to "All I Have To Do Is Dream". Hello, desire-to-have-babies-to-old-rock-stars. I knew you were here somewhere.
Pssst, can I come over and spend the night at your place too? I promise not to wake you up early, too.
Of course! You are always welcome! As is any Buffista...
Hello, desire-to-have-babies-to-old-rock-stars. I knew you were here somewhere.
In exciting-only-to-me-news, I just got an e-mail reminding me to fill out my FAFSA (for financial aid) for next year, and I don't have to!!!! I'm doing the no-need-for-any-more-financial-aid dance!
Yay! That's indeed very exciting!
Shir - much peace-ma your way, and good luck (and safety!) to your mum.
I don't blame them, but all I'm saying that in order to end the siege, there are probably better tactics than this. It's a wonder how both sides didn't get it that more killing isn't the solution.
Okay, stupid question: WHY are the people of Gaza living under siege?
Oh! I almost forgot, Tep.
Emmett made me buy a bag of Funyons yesterday.
I only indulged him as a tribute to you.
Aww. A Funyun tribute to me! I'm touched. (No, seriously. Somewhere on my hard drive I have the picture of the 2 of us licking a Funyun bag at the first F2F.)
Because a lot of terrorist activities against Israel are coming from there. I'm not saying that the majority of the Gazans are interested in wiping Israel off the map, but I'm saying that there are enough, in Israel's opinion (not my own), to keep the Strip under siege.
And yes, it is a chicken/egg situation. Terrorist activities got out from there, hence siege, hence more trying to do provoke violence. Mostly because there's not much they can do against it other than that.
Seriously. It's amazing no one really gave a try to any other way. As in peace talks. I don't care with who, how much "blood" they have on their hands, or whatever - whoever's in there, you talk to them.
In the meantime, a lot of world leaders and the U.N. are congratulating Israel about the cease fire.
Which makes my laugh hysterically. Seriously, what truce?