Rest well, Kristin.
ImycorneroftheworldNews (me? trying to avoid writing papers? well, maybe): Seems like there might be, and I'm trying my best not to laugh while typing it, one sided truce.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. After too many days of fighting, unnecessary deaths, fear and destruction, the best that the world can come up with, a second before Israel gets bitch!slapped by every almost every other country of the world, is to have one sided truce. As in, Israel will stop the fighting and retreated Gaza. Hamas? Oh, funny you ask. Hamas, signing nothing, can continue as usual, terrorizing its people's lives and Israeli people lives. From my corner of the world, it pretty much seems like the world want more Israeli casualties before Israel would be allowed to kill more Gazans. What. The. Fuck.
Which may bring a whole new realistic meaning to "excuse me while I die laughing", but seriously? That's the best you can come up with? A cease fire that's trying to bypass the real problem? Why do I have the strong feeling that my country is being led by a bunch of incompetent monkeys?
Then again, why so I get excited for. It's just one more bloody round. It's not like the first time the leaders of this country are lying, or not getting anything more than just more killing.