It's in the 20s (F) here. As this is NC a lot of people aren't used to dealing with sub-freezing temperatures. Since I visit my sister in Michigan for Christmas every few years I have some good winter clothing, so I just nod sympathetically in my hood, wool cloak, and warmth-over-fashion gloves.
Still, I'd rather be home cuddling Liefur. Just before I left today I opened the front blind, on the window that overlooks the bird feeder. I left Liefur gazing raptly at kitty tv.
It's -2 here (a tropical paradise compared to some of you), and I'm extremely happy that Friday is my work-a-half-day-from-home day.
And, oh my god you guys, last night around 10:30, I started throwing up (and then later, diarrhea), and I was afraid it was the stomach flu/go to the ER all over again. I couldn't keep even water down, so I couldn't take the leftover anti-nausea and anti-diarrhea meds they gave me at the ER, because what's the point?
Finally, around 1:30 a.m., when things had stayed calm for ~45 minutes, I said a little prayer to whoever was listening and took the meds with a wee tiny bit of water, and then laid down with my hands on my belly, muttering "stay DOWN, stay DOWN, stay DOWN."
And they DID. So I slept through the night, and I just took more meds to stay on the safe side of my GI tract. Plus, gatorade. Yum (not).
The Boy had some dubious GI cramps after dinner, so I'm wondering if something in our dinner caused it. But it's hard to narrow down what might have been the culprit: salad with romaine and tomato -- well, either one of those could have had ptomaine/salmonella/whatever along for the ride. Pasta with newly-opened jar of alfredo sauce, shrimp that was pre-cooked and then frozen, and leftover artichoke hearts that were maybe 1 week in the fridge. So it could have been the artichoke hearts, maybe the whole batch of alfredo sauce was bad (I should check Ragu's Web site), or the shrimp could have been off (except I would think that they fact that they were pre-cooked and then frozen would kill off anything nasty).
Hard to tell. But today I'm sticking with gatorade and crackers until such time as my stomach will be happy with toast.
Yikes, Teppy. You've had more than your share of those kinds of woes. I'm glad you're feeling better.
I'd rather be home cuddling Liefur.
Drove to work today in non-heated car.
Got here over an hour ago and I'm still freezing my arse off.
t this post brought to you by the elusive, yet still lurking slightly Aims
Yikes, Teppy. You've had more than your share of those kinds of woes.
That's what *I* said last night!
The Boy: "Are you....ANGRY at your gastrointestinal tract???"
Me: "DAMN RIGHT I am! *I'm* the one in charge of things, not it! It doesn't get to do this again!"
Oops. Shoulda been typing "Leifur." My not exactly Scandinavian ancestors are laughing at me.
I'm sorry your GI tract is being difficult, Steph.
for Teppy's bod.
Ha! "It's the sphincter...."
Hard to tell. But today I'm sticking with gatorade and crackers until such time as my stomach will be happy with toast.
We've had a nasty virus running around the theatre, we think it's norovirus, aka "the plague". It's a 24-48 hour thing, coming out of both ends. I appparently got off lucky, since I was able to sleep in my bed, as opposed to some people who had to sleep in their bathroom.
We've had a nasty virus running around the theatre, we think it's norovirus, aka "the plague". It's a 24-48 hour thing, coming out of both ends. I appparently got off lucky, since I was able to sleep in my bed, as opposed to some people who had to sleep in their bathroom.
That's what I had the week of Christmas, that sent me to the ER, since couldn't keep even water down and got severely dehydrated. Sucktastic.
If this is the norovirus, it's under control; I haven't yet eaten solid food (only gatorade), but I'm about to try crackers.
(Wow, I have a thrilling life. Cracker-eating watch-and-post!)