Thanks for all the good vibes, all. Let's add a reddish tint to the junk I'm spitting up. Had to reschedule appointment for later in the afternoon, as the vehicles would not start this morning. After a heroic effort, Daniel got 'em going. So we let my car warm up for about half an hour, and I think it will be ok for later.
Eek. Andi, have you ever had mono? Having weathered it at 47, I have a total kneejerk response to the symptoms. Good luck with the medical process. May you be healed quickly.
If one of your cats is a drama queen, playing might involve vocal histrionics.
Ah, yes. That would be Taz.
Thanks for the affirmation that we are doing OK- we are overworried cat parent types.
Andi, have you ever had mono? Having weathered it at 47, I have a total kneejerk response to the symptoms. Good luck with the medical process.
I haven't had it, not to be diagnosed with. But I've been exposed to it - at work back in Arizona and a roommie in college. So, I've probably already gotten the germs and processed them, yonks ago.
If one of your cats is a drama queen, playing might involve vocal histrionics.
Sammie screeches bloody murder when she and Harvey wrassle. Many a time have I given Harvey a laundry-basket time out (a 2-5 minute cooling off period stuck under an up-turned basket) for unnecessary roughness, only to become convinced that by her later triumphant attitude that Sammie probably had been the instigator, on purpose to get Harvey in trouble. Having had her screech when I accidentally brushed her front paw with my foot unexpectedly, I know how little stimulus she needs to get vocal. When giving one cat a time out doesn't stop their fighting, I'll give 'em both a time out, and if THAT doesn't do the trick, the next step is both cats under the same basket for the full five minutes. That has yet to fail. According to Daniel, they only fight when I'm home. Sibling rivalry, what can I say.
Nora, the hissing and growling are the only signs that I find remotely worrisome (from experience with my Brother's cats), but from what I understand, if they really are getting into it, you will know, because cat fights (as opposed to play fighting) are nasty.
Yeesh, 2009 you're supposed to be a better year!
Thanks, everyone. The whole thing breaks my heart. I think I'm still in denial that I may never see her again.
((((Kristin)))) I don't know if you've gone through anything like it before, but nothing freaks out high school students like the death of a classmate from illness.
Unfortunately, I have lost a number of students or former students over the past 12 years, so I'm acutely aware of how much a death impacts the community. My only experience with a student dying unexpectedly from illness, however, is personal. One of my classmates died two months before our graduation from sudden heart failure. It was pretty horrific, and I'm dreading going through it again.
In completely other news, I need a good sample sentence for the word "agency" (as in the capacity to make choices/have power in the world) that my students will understand, and I'm drawing a blank. Ideas?
In completely other news, I need a good sample sentence for the word "agency" (as in the capacity to make choices/have power in the world) that my students will understand, and I'm drawing a blank. Ideas?
Could you use it in the context of voting? Or, in the context of countries where they *don't* have the right to vote?
Hey, does anyone have a rec for a moisturizer plus sunscreen? I've decided I'm not crazy about my old one.
I use Olay...something. Daily Defense?
Ok, on top of all the other drama related to selling my house, now the buyer wants to extend the closing date which will mean I'll have to write a check to seal the deal. We had tightened this deal such that we were basically at a net zero so extending it by anything incurs more tax and interest... Man, I just want this over with, but I don't have the extra cash in my back pocket to cover this.