Did I mention that yesterday I had to go outside at -18˚F to start my van? I wish that was a windchill...I think that was around -40.
We hit -17 last night. It's barely creeping into positive temperatures today but the cold is supposed to get worse tonight, along with the wind. Bleh. Makes it hard to get out of the house.
Shir, I hate to sound like a dumb block of wood, and this is truly a question that reflects my ignorance, but when Israel warns the people in Gaza to get out, where can they go?
You're not dumb. It is a lose-lose situation, for all sides involved.
Because they can't go anywhere. The lucky ones, the ones with enough money/means got away abroad already. The ones who left behind, generally speaking, are the poor, mostly uneducated, very unstable base for society.
So it's easier to dehumanize them. And not taking them seriously. And using their poor situation, and make sure they'll stay that way for continuous abuse of them and manipulation of the Palestinian issue. Because it's so much easier to abuse the weak side.
Looking back, I think Hamas' mistake was shooting at civilian population in areas that weren't in dispute. If they would have keep their aims at military targets in disputed areas, and maybe, God forbid, political targets (as in, choosing wisely political targets and talking with them to create lobby). Because that could have brought more support to them in Israel.
ION, I have to deal with an asshole on another board of mine. Not fun, and the man just can't get a f'ing clue about how to act online. He's also, of course, convinced he's always right.
We hit -17 last night. It's barely creeping into positive temperatures today but the cold is supposed to get worse tonight, along with the wind.
I will stop bitching about Utah cold and not mention the
40 degrees and bright and sunny
outside now.
And I won't mention that on Friday, when it's supposed to be 18°, I leave for a long weekend in SF, where it's in the 60s.
Santa Ana hit 87 yesterday.
Yeah, it's supposed to be 82 here in Pasadena today.
It's 80 here today in LA, and I think it was even warmer than that a couple days ago. Which is a marked increase from a week ago. It's quite freaky.
I at least spoiler fonted the weather. California is just taunting us now.
I guess x-posting was a bit harsh.
But I sit here jobless and broke-ass in a broke-ass state, so I'm not trying to make anyone envious.
California is just taunting us now.
I don't know how SoCal's winter rolls, but I'm actually worried that the weather's so nice. It should be raining right now in the Bay Area. No rain=drought, and that's not good for anyone.
However, it's a far cry from the -50 windchill my MSP peeps are experiencing. So.