I'm so glad for your gran Pix.
Thanks so much for the good thoughts everyone. It really means a lot to me.
Bonny, may your honorary father have what he needs the most at this time.
Thanks Sail. That's exactly what I want for him.
I spent time with Niki and that was great. Gordon is really struggling with the things the health staff need to do for him, which is wearing Niki down a bit. We laughed, cried, and held each other...it was sort of a pre-emptive wake.
In the end, I decided that the best I could do for Gordon was NOT go to see him. No point in making him struggle to respond to me under an oxygen mask. I'll be there when he gets home. And if he doesn't, I'll still be with him in one way or another.
The surgery is tomorrow at 2. And it will be the best it can be, no matter what.
Thanks again. I'm grateful to be here with you.
Nephew J has started to play
Isn't he just the cutest little tennis player?
Okay, so I had some crackers a few hours ago, they stayed down. I am about to attempt some rice cooked in chicken broth. keep it down~ma appreciated.
Bonus points if it shows the student has a sense of humor (in my world).
A teacher once wrote an evaluation for me to get in the honors program that stated I had no sense of humor. Ironically enough, I had often thought his sense of humor left much to be desired, thusly I rarely bothered to laugh in his general vacinity. Pretty sure I've been COMMed more than he has. So you be the judge.
Vortex, I hope the chicken broth and rice goes down smoothly and stays put.
Kristin, I'm glad for the good news about your Gram.
ION, headdesk.
I read something very interesting this morning: apparently Israel did warn Gaza dwellers to get out of there when the op started, but apparently Hamas warned them that if they'll do, they'll get shot. By Hamas people.