Steph, you can have my coffee. I seem abnormally chipper this morning. It's a little freaky.
javachick, I'm sorry if anything I said about retractable leashes tripped your buttons. I too have a retractable leash for Toto, but I barely ever use it. My neighborhood is too busy, and Toto is a wanderer, if I let him. He needs to stay focused, so a short lead works best. But, I do use the retractable out at Mom and Dad's or when we go to the Arboretum. He canNOT be off leash. Cairns just generally can't. They're hunting dogs, and once they're chasing something, they generally don't hear their alpha. I've learned that the hard way.
I do have to say, I don't think there is one dog in my neighborhood that's on a retractable leash. I think the only time I ever see them is at the Arboretum. I love that my 'hood is so dog-friendly, and that most of the owners clearly love their pets (pets are kids around here--not so many kids here...mostly older folks that have lived here forever or younger folks just moving in).
Emily! How was your trip?
The kids were insano last night. DH had to go entertain his sales managers until 10 p.m., so I put the kids to bed. Then they crawled into bed with us at 1. I got up and put them back in their own beds. Liv had a crying episode at 1. I got into bed with her until she quieted down then went back to my own bed. Owen woke up crying at 6 and only wanted me, even though DH tried to get up with him.
Harvey is busy trying to ooze stealthily up onto me, even though I keep pushing him back. I have a love/hate relationship with the cat ooze.
And cats are extra-oozy in winter.
curious. You'd think they'd melt in the summer time, what with all that fur and all.
Cats are like black holes for warmth. Particularly part-Siamese (seriously, the breed was developed in Thailand, cold is not fun for them) cats who were born and raised in the desert, and who have subsequently moved to Minnesota.
This is why I don't call in sick when I'm not. Karma always comes back to bite me in the ass, in this case literally. I called in sick yesterday. I wasn't really, I had just been up late, then drove a friend home who'd lost her grandfather. We stayed in my car for over an hour talking and crying and laughing about her grandpap and my dad. Didn't get home until after 2AM. I was drained, knew I'd be exhausted the next day, and I'd done an event this weekend, so I sent my boss an email.
This morning, I woke up with stomach cramps, but not the menstrual kind. Now, I feel queasy and my stomach seems determined to empty itself at a rapid rate. Ugh. Karma's a bitch.