anyone else think The Divine Ms Maddow's partner looks a LOT like Fay in this shot?
...holy crap. Yeah, okay, it's a fair cop.
Although of course, hair is short now. But I have pictures of me looking quite a lot like that. Hmm.
Nora - good luck with the new guy!
Shir - glad you got to see your sister, and that she got to taste The Famous Cookies! Fabulous! (Good job, Omnis!)
So, in slightly exciting mememe news, on a random whim I sent in the first bit of my dusty Eternally Unfinished Novel (tm) to the
Dear Author
website, and they posted it this weekend for their
First Page Saturday
feature! It's been enormously helpful getting anonymous feedback like this, and although I find myself thinking that perhaps I should just cut that whole section (since originally my book started differently, and then I ended up sliding in another section at the start), it's definitely made me feel all 'Hey, I should have another crack at this'-ish.
Oh, hey, erika - just read your story via the link in Press. Fabulous, lovely! Go Team!
Fay! Woooooooot!
Gotta go look!
And for anyone who has a spare moment, they should also check out Joan/SarahF's latest review of a m/m romance that she tagged "epic fail." It just sounds as if it was horrifying.
Monday morning=no.
Someone's got a case of the Mondays.
t /Office Space
I am having eggs and tea for breakfast, I refuse to allow even references to the possible Mondayishness of today harsh my mellow.
Also, w00t, Fay! Yes, you should have another crack at it.
Plus, I agree that erika's story that was posted is a good one.
sick ick not gone. So don't want to go to work. Uggg. Plus, with all this talk of sour milk, now my apartment has that smell, yet I do not have any milk! And it smells like it's coming from the dishwasher!?! So confused.
Yay Fay!
Popping back to the dog discussion to make one plea from the Me/Millan camp...the gentle leader is a great training tool but should not be used as a lifestyle choice. I know so many dogs, mostly Labs, come to think of it, whose people have used the GL some much...without proper attention to walking form...that the hair on their noses is actually worn off under the Leader strap. This is not what they are meant for!
Also, for super exuberant dogs, you can use the sort of harness where the lead clips onto the chest, causing the animal to veer to the side when they pull too much.
Always reward the dog when s/he is walking where you want them to (preferably with their jaw line at the seam of your trouser) rather than chastising them for being out of alignment. Having a treat ready to reward them for doing it right is a great way to get them interested in doing more of THAT!