Oh no, Brenda. I'm so very sorry. Poor both of you.
I feel sort of sheepish to come in here on the heels of that news to share that we got a new kitty... his name is Marley (short Marmalade) and he's a big ole ginger tom. He's about a year and a half, is a substantial 13 pounds and is SO MELLOW and sweet.
He is currently ensconced in our guest room hiding under the bed. Taz knows that *something* is up, but doesn't quite know what. We'll see how long Marley will stay in the guest room.. a couple days, I guess.
I hope they get along! Does anyone have advice for timing of introducing them? We have a little handout, but I thought I'd ask here too.
Congrats on the new addition to the family, Nora. Pictures?
Well, he was new to the shelter, so they didn't have any pictures of him, and he still seems reluctant to come out from under the bed. (I feel terrible- his whiskers have dust bunnies!) But he kind of looks like this: [link]
Oh Brenda. I'm so sorry. I am still not over losing Sage last year, and I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a true companion. You've been doing the right thing all along, and you've shown her so much love. (((((Brenda and Lucy))))
Yay on the addition of Marley. I am always delighted to hear of older animals being adopted, too. If I get the house I am looking at today, I will be thinking later of adding another dog to the mix. I used to have two dogs, have been down to 1 for over a year, and have no idea how to introduce another one if I go the route of adult dog (my preference) since Chile is remarkably aloof. Anyway, that's in the future, but I will be looking to y'all for advice.
Oh, brenda. My heart is just breaking for you. I know how much you love Lucy. My thoughts are with you so much, and please don't hesitate to ask for anything you need. So much love.
java, I worried about introducing an adult dog into our mix, but it went remarkably well. In a lot of respects, their own instincts come into play. When the time comes, we'll talk more.
Barb, excellent. I need evidence/testimonials that dogs who are left for 10 hours a day are happier in pairs than when left alone. Chile and Sage were regularly left alone for that time. But what I don't know is if Chile is happier all alone!
TCG and I did a bunch of errands today (including using my Barnes and Noble gift cards!) and are in safely before the snow starts. Now I'm making soup, which always seems like good stuck in the house because of snow food.
Yay, new kitty Nora and Tom!
{{brenda}} I am so so sorry. My heart is breaking for you.