So, question for other people: were you always good, academically, at whatever it is you ended up doing or being good at as an adult?
I couldn't technically deconstruct a sentence if you paid me. I mean, I was a good Language Arts student and had good test scores, but get overly technical and I shut down. It takes away some of the beauty for me-- to do everything "right."
Eh, I was hoping he'd read the post and at least pick up some flowers.
So I'm about 20 min into the movie Dungeons & Dragons. Please tell me it gets better.
Eh, I was hoping he'd read the post and at least pick up some flowers.
Aw! You're always thinking of me.
So I'm about 20 min into the movie Dungeons & Dragons. Please tell me it gets better.
Dude, I know the answer to that question and I haven't even seen it.
Ya I suspect the answer is "not a chance". I'm going to blame it on the fever.
Please tell me it gets better.
I've seen this movie. Think of it as an opportunity to think how you would do this sort of thing better.
Can't sleep, again. As usual.
So I'm about 20 min into the movie Dungeons & Dragons. Please tell me it gets better.
Like Kristin, I've never seen it, but I know it gets no better.
I need a vacation. For various reasons, all the holiday breaks this year have been stressful, so I haven't gotten any real relaxation since the summer. I've got a few days off next week for the inauguration, which will be fun but not relaxing, and then nothing until spring break in the middle of March. And it's too cold to go bike ride along the canal, which is what I usually do when I'm getting this stressed.
Windsparrow, I have to say, those were the best batch I ever made too. Just a hint of crisp on the outside, chewey on the inside, and yummy all around. I'd offer to make you a batch, but I'm afraid I won't be able to recreate that perfection again. I may never bake Choco Chip cookies again
Eh, I'm doing the "avoiding sugars and starches" thing anyway. Gotta say, mood and energy level are delicious. Just started this past Monday, and by Thursday, I was scaring myself how much I getting done at work. So for a reward to reap, that's pretty good. And it's not like I can't have any chocolate, just have to stick to the really good dark stuff.
I need a couple of wise cracking robots so I can MST3K this flick.
So, question for other people: were you always good, academically, at whatever it is you ended up doing or being good at as an adult?
Pretty much. Though they did think I had a disability around age two, and my PhD brother was given professional assessment because he was still barely talking at age four.
I laughed out loud at this from Overheard Everywhere.
Captain, over intercom, after lights go out: You are getting veeeery sleeeeeepy... You do not want peaaanuts... You do not want soooodaaa... You just want to sleeeep until we laaaaand.
Southwest Airlines Flight over California