Oy. Just got an email from my synagogue, telling us what to do in the VERY UNLIKELY event that there are protesters at the synagogue this Shabbat. (The VERY UNLIKELY caps are theirs.) Basically, the instructions are that, if someone is outside, just walk past them and don't engage; if someone comes inside, ignore them and let the gabbaim (the lay people who run the service) deal with them. I wonder if there have been any threats or anything that made them decide this email was necessary, even with all the VERY UNLIKELY warnings. I've been a member of this synagogue for a few years, and it's the first time I can remember getting an email like this.
(They also specifically say that the "do not engage" policy is to avoid creating a hilul hashem, which basically means when a Jewish person does something wrong and creates the impression that G-d has mandated or approved this wrong action, it's a desecration of G-d's name.)
Why did I check the news?
{{{{ Shir }}}}
I hope it wasn't your classmate.
2. omnis rocks. So hard. I came back home, and a HUGE box with cookies waited for me on my bed in my parents home. I love you, man.
Did the brownies make it? Or did they get eaten somewhere along the way? Enjoy!
I think I know what might be causing my recent excessive case of insomnia. I think I have a cold. My nose will suddenly clog... then drain out and be clear... then suddenly clog... etc. I could see the clogging waking me up constantly, thus a bad nights sleep.
In one case here, an honor student got a fairly lengthy suspension because her mother packed two identical lunches, except that she put a knife to cut up the apple in hers. The daughter accidentally picked up her mother's lunch, and the moment she realized it, she took the knife to her teacher. In another one, a girl gave two Midol to another girl.
When DH was in high school, a girl got her backpack strap stuck in a locker and they couldn't get it open to free it. she was late for class so a young man whipped out his pocket knife and cut it loose for her. This was a very small school in a rural community. The boy was a farm kid who always carried a pocket knife around the farm. He had never been in trouble before but he got expelled for having a weapon in school.
I've been carrying a pocket knife since Webelos. Which is most of middle school, all of high school, college, grad school. Oh, how the times have changed.
I carried a knife and my one-hitter to high school practically every day. I did get in trouble for wearing a dead baby earring.
I'm so glad I went to high school before everyone went insane.
Hubby's parents *gave* him a .45 to take to school. He was one of three white kids in a rough section of LA during the 70s, and he had to join the Tongan gang so he'd have someone to watch his back. He put several kids in the hospital while he was there, and each time a teacher was able to say, "Yeah, it was self-defense, officer," as in "there's the brick the first kid lobbed at his head, and there's the two-by-four the second kid broke across his back." The principal did stop him from picking up the third kid by the ankles and pile-driving him into the concrete. Apparently once they're unconscious, you're supposed to leave them be.
I'm so glad I went to high school before everyone went insane.
Yes. In my bookbag I regularly had boxcutters (for art projects), Tylenol or Advil (and in 8th grade, after an incident in metalshop, prescription pain pills), a portable curling iron powered by butane cartridges, aerosol hairspray, and a lighter. Looking back on it, I was well-set to fight off a zombie attack in those days.
Looking back on it, I was well-set to fight off a zombie attack in those days.
When zombies attack, find Jilli. She'll either defeat them or enslave them.