One of my students was expelled this week and it just sucks. The admin backed him at the expulsion hearing. The expulsion committee rec'd that he stay in school. Then the school board expelled him. He's a good kid who made a stupid stupid mistake and now he's going to suffer a lot for it.
Hey, the school board needed to "send a message" to other abused and neglected children. Something along the lines of, "we don't give a fuck either".
Oh, Erin. That is SO ICK. I am so sorry.
Apparently, there was a rash of lice in kindergarten earlier this year. NO ONE TOLD ME. I was kind of upset. I'm so glad I didn't catch it. SO glad. Ick.
Lice is no fun. I hope it clears up quickly, Erin.
For anyone going to the inauguration:
The The iPee
I think I love the pictures the most - the surgeon and the golfers.
I don't understand how expulsion is supposed to be useful, except in cases where the student involved has physically harmed someone. Here's a kid with problems. Let's not help him, not educate him and leave him home alone. That'll help
This is a kid who has really worked to up his game this year. He's improved in all his classes and really cares about doing well. And, he's doing on his own. His parents are not helping. They couldn't even be arsed to attend the expulsion hearing.
His violation was bringing a small pocket knife to school which translates to weapon. He forgot it was in his pocket and hid it in his wallet and put it in his locker. Because of acting suspicious, his locker was checked and the knife found. He didn't go around bragging that he had it or tell anyone about it or even open it. He was hiding it till he could get it home.
I understand weapon=bad. But seriously? He was suspended for 10 days and then couldn't go back in to general pop. until the hearing. He ended up in in-school suspension for another 12-ish days.
Even being out of class for that long, he was keeping his grades up to a B in most of his classes because he was doing all the work sent to him and doing it well.
Breaks my heart.
Egad, ChiKat. Does he at least have a chance of coming back next year?
But why did they expel him after all the suspension? That's absurd. Poor kid.
I went from laughing hysterically to thinking, "Hey, this is actually a pretty good idea!" Sent the link to DW and she said, "Is this real?" Hee!
Does he at least have a chance of coming back next year?
Unfortunately, he will probably be back next year. I say "unfortunately" because he's an 8th grader and should be going to the high school. But because of this, he probably won't be promoted because he won't finish 8th grade.
Those zero tolerance policies really should have exception clauses.
CJ's current teacher laughed at me when I asked if he could bring some cough drops to school with him - he was getting over a cold and had a lingering cough. In California he could have gotten in trouble for "bringing drugs to school".