Fay, when I was teaching in that age group, teaching math terrified me too, but ironically, my supervising teachers said it was the best, most creative class I taught.
I guess because I'd had such trouble with math, I was always looking for different ways to get the method across to the kids.
Of course, sheer terror may have also played a part in it as well.
My cell phone decided to commit suicide.
My mom got a new cell phone recently, after hers gave up the ghost. Apparently the previous (now-dead) phone was a bit archaic, so after she got it she e-mailed me all these questions:
"It has Bluetooth! Does yours have Bluetooth? What do I need to do to use Bluetooth?"
"It does text messages? Does yours text message? I see people text-messaging while driving all the time -- you'd BETTER NOT text-message while you drive!"
Which, of course, has led me to text her at odd hours, and every text starts with "Hey Mom, I'm driving right now!"
Come on. She ASKED for it.
Shir, I hope you're safe and sound.
Steph, that's AWESOME!
I am giving myself a little b.org break because I have already completed half of the work I was hoping to have done before 1pm. Me thinks I might finish early today! GO ME! I gotta tell you, it's SO nice to finally have some energy and motivation to get through this stuff.
Now, on to some math!
Now, on to some math!
A very common battle cry in this thread.
Heh. I know. The funny thing is I'm not usually so excited about it. Though, give me a few minutes, and I might be back in here lower-case "b" bitching.
Yeah, I slept a little too well. My alarms (yes, plural) go off at 5:45. Apparently I turned them both off and went back to sleep. Thank god I only have a meeting this morning and don't actually teach until after 10. I called in and left a message saying something came up (that would be the half Ambien I took apparently a bit too late last night) and that I would miss the meeting, so it should be fine. Seriously, though. I hate playing this sleep/no sleep game. Hate it.
Ok. You knew it was coming.
I hate math.
Also, I hate how insomnia tortures my dear friends.
I hate playing this sleep/no sleep game. Hate it.
I hear ya, sister. But the nice side benefit to having worked out yesterday, even as limited as it was, was that I slept-- I mean, slept hard for the first time in what seems like forever.
I'm still a little groggy this morning. (Not to mention stiff) but wow.