Fay, let me get this straight. If women won't touch me with a bargepole in the US, they will fawn over me in Thailand?
Be honest, Omnis. How many women have you actually asked to touch you with a bargepole? Are you satisfied you've established a representative sample?
I'm getting kind of anxiety-ish. Not a full-on anxiety attack, but feeling like the beginnings of it.
Also, I want a cupcake. I have no cupcakes. I don't have the ingredients to make cupcakes, either.
My sister invited herself to stay at my place this weekend. I don't really mind, except that I've got a ton of stuff to do, and getting my apartment clean enough for guests is not one of those things. (Although, considering the condition of her apartment the times I've stayed there, perhaps I shouldn't worry.)
sleep wishes Erin
be well erika
and sleep well to the others who need it
and deep breaths hil
sadly, i want a cupcake just by suggestion
Now I want a cupcake too.
The pain fairy seems to have teamed up with the insomnia fairy at my place this week. I hate them both.
Anybody else still awake?
Yeah, Hil.
(Well, awake and going to class, so I won't be able to help you much with it).
Typo Boy, I'll reply later. Sleep and health~mas to those who need it.
My cell phone decided to commit suicide. I might have to skip part of class to get it fixed, because I'm NOT gonna travel via rocketland without letting my parents know immediately about my situation if sirens will catch me.
I keep poking at my foot to see if poking at it still hurts. It does. Need to stop doing this.
Shir, cell phone seems important now.
Rockets were fired to the north.
Also, does Hasan Nasrallah reads b.org?
For the amusement of those to be visited by the Insomnia and Pain Fairies, I bring you, via YouTube, Who's On First performed after the manner of the Bard of Avon: [link]