Shir, what gave me the impression that my posts bother you was where you said that "what bothers me about your posts". OK I take it you meant what you disagreed with rather than that they disturbed you. So sorry for the misunderstanding.
And in terms of the right path, talking is good, avoiding war crimes is good stopping collective punishment is good, in general avoid creating ten armed opponents for every one your nation defeats. Beyond that, I think that negotiations for a two state solution could be more successful than most people think. The reason for pessimism is that the usual story is that the Palestinians spat on a generous proposal. But there is a lot of evidence that the failure of Oslo was a joint Israeli/Palestinian screwup. It is a lot harder with Hamas than Arafat of course, but there is evidence of some openess even there. Note that saying it was a joint screwup is optimisic, not pessimistic. If it was all or mostly the fault of the Palestians and that would be an almost impossible situtation to remedy. If there were big Israeli screwups then that means there are things Israel can fix.
Israeli policy for a long time has been all sticks and no carrots. And punishing Arafat got Israel Hamas. Continuing not to deal with Hamas may result in the leadership of the Palestinians in a few years being Islamic Jihad.
Note to self: Next NYD do not go near the computer. You may order stuff and forget you did because of the holiday coma.
sj, whatever it was that just arrived, I hope you like it.
sj, whatever it was that just arrived, I hope you like it.
So far, a pumpkin loaf pan and a hot chocolate pot from Williams Sonoma and two velvet camisoles and black silk pants from Coldwater Creek. All on clearance so not to pricey and all very nice.
I just heard a reverend on Oprah say that being gay is a gift from God. Color me impressed.
two velvet camisoles and black silk pants from Coldwater Creek.
I got my cool red beaded shirt, red sweater, and denim skirt Monday. Denim skirt is too big and has to go back, alas. I've been searching for my ideal denim skirt for ~6 months, to no avail.
The shirt and sweater are rocking, though.
I have a denim skirt which fits perfectly everywhere except the waist, which needs to be taken in, and the silk pants are a couple of inches too long. So, I need to get myself to a tailor soon. I'm sure there are more things lingering in my closet waiting to be altered.
I just heard a reverend on Oprah say that being gay is a gift from God.
Oprah was impressed too. I liked how they expanded on the thought as well. Although the middle lady didn't contribute to that discussion.
I'm making soup and it smells awesome. DH is low carbing and I want him to have something other that just meat. Soup has chicken, spinach, cauliflower, spices and some soy sauce. Yum.
The cat Harvey continually amazes me. At ten and a half years old, he gets up on an eight-inch wide ledge, five feet from the ground, and chases his tail. Not quite as swiftly as he does it while on the floor, but still....