I realized as I was talking that I had a major error on my slides, but I was able to correct it on the fly. I have no idea how that got through the five rounds of editing.
Something always does.
I need to get dinner, though, and that will require getting dressed again and going to a store. It'll be comfy socks and sneakers this time.
Any way to order in? You seem like you've earned it today.
actually complaining about not doing anything -- got me off my ass and doing things --
20 cardboard boxes flattened and put in the recycle bin. kitchen cleaned, dishwasher is running. Refrigerator is a least better if not completely cleaned out. and dinner plans changed, because I needed to use stuff in the freezer. This is good because I now know what Wednesday's dinner will be.
I am still at work, but am about to head out and have delicious lemon tarragon roasted chicken made with lemons off our own tree. I know it's delicious because we had it last night. We will also be having it several other nights this week. The DH believes in cooking in bulk.
I have acquired dinner. I'm back in my comfy clothes and thick socks now.
The rest of the conference was cool. It's going on for a few more days. There are a bunch of talks I want to see, and there's an exhibition hall where a bunch of publishers and software makers and companies that make other sorts of math stuff have booths set up, and give out a bunch of free stuff printed with the company name. Some also give out chocolate. There was also one booth selling Navajo jewelry, which was pretty, but seemed out of place. (There were a few other booths selling jewelry, but that was all like things made in different kinds of mathematical shapes and stuff like that. This booth was just the usual turquoise and silver stuff.)
I wear underwire bras because they're the most flattering, but I never find them to be particularly comfortable.
I need to start eating better now that the holidays are over. My stomach hates me.
I'm glad AmyD emailed the buffista admins to find out where everyone was coming from to visit her clothing site. I told her I wanted the stretch denim flower skirt I linked to and she's giving me a nice, big friend discount. So I'm going to have her sew me a circle skirt, too.
Woo hoo! Skirts!
OK, three hours later, my feet are still red. I am never wearing these shoes again.
Also, I'm exhausted. Math is tiring.
Cashmere, can you link to her site again?
I'm home! I'm truly alone for the first time since December 19. Ah, bliss.