My mom is totally pancake flat. She has big loathing for underwire bras, and no real use for them. And my whole adolescence she bad-mouthed underwire bras to me (her NOT-pancake-flat daughter).
yep. Mom's barely a B
College rolls around, and I decide that I'm an adult, and I need a "pretty bra." So my roommates and I go to Vicki's Secret, and the sales associate fits me -- a 34 or 36 B at the time, oh how I miss it -- with an underwire bra. When she brought it to the fitting room, I was all "No way! Underwire bras SUCK!"
Yep. In my case, I had a special "date"
And then I tried it on.
Heaven, I'm in heaven . . .
Ever since then, all my bras (except for sports bras) have been underwire. LOVE them.
Cooked bacon keeps very well for a day or so for BLTs and such.
Does it? It doesn't last that long in my house.
There was one memorable instance where his wife said she'd had no idea that he was gay, and he responded that she had known, because she had participated in threesomes with him and another man.
Wait, I thought that it wasn't exactly a "threesome", he just watched her have sex with another man, but didn't particpate. How was she supposed to know that he was watching the guy instead of her :)
My mom (who is not flat-chested but she is much smaller, all around, than I am) was also vehemently anti-underwire while I was growing up. So I resisted buying the underwire bras for years but, now, I can't do without! And I've found plenty that fit well and are comfortable (biggest problem is that they are too spendy). That supposed comfort bra gave me hives. AND the creator was wearing a super baggy shirt so you couldn't even see how it looked on under clothes. NOT a good advertisement.
I'm now shopping for sports bras at Title IX. *sigh* What I want to be shopping for is this.
Sox, I think not available until next weekend.
I like the non-underwire. I do have the smallest boobies in the family, so I guess that helps.
Well, I went and did it. I signed up to work with a personal trainer at the community center.
I feel good about it, but at the same time, I'm Not Happy that I let myself get back to the point where it's going to be really hard to get back in shape. That I gained the thirty-five pounds that renders most of my clothes too small. (Elastic waist yoga pants, how I love thee)
But I'm tired of, well, being tired. I'm not sleeping well and while part of that is stress, a good chunk of it has to do with the fact that I'm so sedentary, my body's simply not tired enough to sleep. I'm tired of not having any strength or endurance or the fact that my metabolism has deteriorated to the point where I'm eating beyond sensibly and the pounds are creeping up. I'm tired of the little injuries and aches and pains that have more to do with being so horribly out of shape than anything else.
So while I hate exercising like a nun hates sexual satisfaction, I'ma gonna suck it up and get back to it.
My mom (who is not flat-chested but she is much smaller, all around, than I am) was also vehemently anti-underwire while I was growing up.
My mom is still appalled that I not only wear but love underwire bras. It makes me wonder if she actually *sees* me, because my big annoying boobs are pretty obviously big.
I actually need some new bras; I just keep putting it off because I loathe the mall like I loathe Magnolia.
My mom is still appalled that I not only wear but love underwire bras.
This seems so not worth the mental effort. It's not like you're walking around with a sandwich board shouting "UNDERWIRE FOREVER, SHELF BRAS NEVER!"
(Unless you are, in which case, um, that's a little weird. But hey, to each his own!)
My mom is not small boobed, but she won't do underwires. Not quite sure why.
I need some new bras. I have two that I am ok with, but I don't own anything I would call my OTB. I had a fitting a few years ago where the gal told me I was a B cup. That messed me up for a long time. I had always worn a D and couldn't figure how I would be so off. I never did find a B cup that worked, so I figured she was on crack. Not long ago, Nicole dragged me to Norstroms for a fitting and I found my current DDD's which make the girls much happier.
I can't image not doing underwires. Even just for lounging around the house non-underwires feel non-bra'ed. (Bra or no bra is my gauge for whether it actually counts as having gotten dressed or if I still am technically in pjs, inside pants or no.)