I spent today having Christmas with the family. Delayed because this is when my brother, SIL, and Cutest Nephew EVER! were here.
BTW, if you hadn't guessed -- my nephew is still cute!!! And eating solid foods. That boy likes his bananas and oatmeal. Seriously no "here comes the airplane" stuff he started fussing as soon as he swallowed and the spoon wasn't there.
So he's cute. And long. And I got a couple discs with pictures, a framed picture, and a mug with his picture. The mug is going to work with me where all can see his adorableness and tremble before it.
And there were other stuff. Plus my brother and SIL were extoling the virtues of the Wii so as soon as I can find one it will be mine. All mine!
Americans eat dog too. Well, past tense. I just learned that the Louis & Clark expedition purchased dogs to eat from some Native Americans (sorry, I forget which tribe) even though they were in some of the richest salmon area at the perfect time. But the men wanted meat not fish. No mention if that was normal for the time or not. But rather interesting.
That's a contraction, not an abbreviation. (I'm sorry, Fay. I couldn't resist. I tried... sort of. Says the ellipsis abuser.)
Fair point, well made.
I've been drinking since 4:30.
You lush!
...procrastinating? Me? I don't know WHAT you could possibly mean by that. Um. Right. Okay, back to marking kids' books...
Poor Tilda. Throwing up is no fun.
As Matilda herself piteously described her state during the washup: "I don't have a good time."
Pictures of my NYE trip to Denver are here: [link]
WARNING: There are pictures of The Thing (aka Belinda) in there. Nicole and I were tormenting Suzi and K-bug with her, so K-Bug kind of broke her head open (to let out the evil spirits?). Nicole's DF performed surgery, and all is now well.
If I wasn't me, I would have to marry me for tonight's mushroom risotto
t /lurk
Were I not already married to you, it might well have sealed the deal...
t lurk
good man
how come K-bug looks like grownup?
I am sitting here mushroom risottoless.
There is some leftover...
I'll bring the leftover chocolate sheet cake.